Under no circumstance should any family think Holy Name is not an option due to cost. While we have an obligation to be good stewards of finance, we are committed to making Catholic education not just a possibility, but a reality, for your child.
For more information regarding eligibility for the Indiana Choice Scholarship Voucher and the Tax Credit Scholarship guidelines and application, please contact the school office.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office at 317-784-9078 for questions regarding tuition amounts and the types of financial assistance that may be available.
Families that meet the income guidelines are eligible to apply for the voucher for their K-8 child. In order to verify income levels, a copy of IRS Form 1040 is required. A copy of your 2023 IRS Form 1040 must be on file in the school office.
2024-2025 Voucher Income Guideline
SGO Scholarships are available to PreK-4 students who meet the above income guidelines. The process is the same for requesting an SGO Scholarship or Tuition Assistance. Families are asked to complete the 2024-2025 FACTS Financial Aid Application.
PreK Tuition Assistance
On My Way Pre-K awards grants to 4-year-olds from low-income families so that they may have access to a high-quality pre-K program the year before they begin kindergarten. Families who receive a grant may use the grant at any approved On My Way Pre-K program. For more information on this program, click here: On My Way Pre-K Program